A kids loyalty program is a good way to connect Your customers to your company. Curious about the benetits of kids loyalty programs? Keep on reading!
With a loyaltyprogram your customers could collect profits, or they can collect sets together. A loyaltyprogram could get your customers more involved with your brand. Wherebye they would come back more often.
Why a kids loyalty program?
Especialy children are very driven to get a whole set together, because they love it to collect the set together. Children don’t only like collecting programs, they would learn a lot of it. For example the perseverance of children would be stimulated. A child would also learn to give subjects a value. Besides that a collecting program would be also a social activity for children, because they often swap their double stickers with their friends at the school yard. So that would motivate the children more to join the kids loyalty program.
The childhood also joins the program
A kids loyalty program is especially focused on the children, but actually the parents and other family are the customers who especially going to a shop. Also there are a lot of parents who helps their children to collect their sets, through asking their family and colleagues to collect for them.
Loyaltyprograms of Esveco
Collecting stickers is one of the most recognized kids loyalty program concepts. The stickerpacks are especially used by promotions of supermarkets, but they could also used by other actions like football stickers. At Esveco we are specialized in making stickerpacks.
Beside the stickerpack, the cardpack is also a common used product at kids loyalty programs. This cards you could also use in a mixed way as a collecting program, to accomplish more traffic to your store. Beside that this cardpack is very appropriate as sustainable give-away , because the cardpack has only a little bit waste per product. Also the cardpack is easy biodegradable.
Beside that it is also possible to add an extra expierience to the stickerpack or cardpack through using additional coatings such as scented ink, gloss, scratch off, textured ink or glitter polish. You could also think about Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to give the collecting program an extra dimension. Curious about the other opportunities there are? Please contact us.