Through adding an insert to a stickerpack or cardpack, you could bring your campaign to the attention of your target group. Hereby you could for example think about adding a tattoo, a (scratch)card, a trading stamp or a coin. In this blog we will tell you more about the inserts you could add in a stickerpack or cardpack.
You could for example choose to add (a sheet) stickers to a stickerpack or cardpack. Hereby you could think about a sheet with stickers, or special stickers with for instance a special kind of ink. Also you could choose for a hybridpack, with which stickers ánd cards could collected in óne product.
There are diverse possibilities to add a card to your stickerpack or cardpack. For instance you could add a die-cut card to your stickerpack or cardpack. But you could also to add a (scratch)card with a code or QR code, with which data could be generated, to a stickerpack or a cardpack. So the target group could through collecting the stickerpacks of cardpacks, at the same time also spare for nice discount actions or other nice extra’s.
You could also choose to add a tattoo to a stickerpack or cardpack. Hereby you could choose tattoos in line with the theme of the stickerpack or cardpack and / or you could choose for tattoos in line with a(n) (inter)national event or holyday.
There are diverse collecting possibilities with a coin. So for example you could use a boardpack with which your target group could use the coins to support a local club. But you could also use the coins in a (board) game, with which the target group could collect the coins and use them in the game.
Trading stamps
Also with a trading stamp there are diverse collecting possibilities. So you could use a trading stamp with which the target group could spare for saving campaigns. Or you could connect the trading stamp to diverse collectingsystems, with which the customer could for example spare for a product or for discount.
Another option is to use a card with facepaint. This is a card with boxes of ink that is suited to use as facepaint. Through going with a brush with water over the boxes of ink, the ink will become liquid and then you could use it as facepaint. These facepaint can be easily wash away, what makes it appropriate for all ages. You could for example match the card with facepaint with the theme of the stickerpack or cardpack. Or you could use the card with facepaint to anticipate on a(n) (inter)national event or holiday.
Other options
Furthermore you could choose to add a seed sachet, a puzzle piece or elements of a (board) game to a stickerpack or cardpack. So you could for instance add a puzzle piece to a stickerpack or cardpack, with which the target group not only could collect stickers or cards, but also at the same time with these puzzle pieces also could spare for a puzzle. Or you could choose to add elements of a (board) game to a stickerpack or cardpack, with which the target group through collecting the stickerpacks or cardpacks also spare to complete a (board)game.
Do you want to know which possibilities we also have any more regarding to (inserts in) stickerpacks and cardpacks? Or do you have other questions we can help you with? Please contact us!