Your promotional product will stand out extra with these special inks!

Do you want to stand out extra at your target group? There are many ways to make your promotional product extra noticeable for your target group, for example through using a special ink. In this blog we will tell you more about many kinds of special ink and how you could add these at your print design.

Scented ink

A scented ink is like the name already said, a kind of ink with a specific smell. You could choose to apply the scented ink only at a part of the print. For example you could think about a image of a flower where a flower smell only is added at the flower. Through subsequently let the customer rubbing over the layer with scented ink, the smell will be released and they will be surprised through the extra dimension. A few examples of smells you could think about are: coffee, gasoline, pineapple, strawberry, pine, lavender, jasmine or peppermint.



Scratch-off is especially known form the scratch cards, whereby you could scratch a box open. Under this scratch-off layer mostly stands a code, an image or a text. A scratch card is usually used for giveaways whereby the consumer will be exited to scratch a box open to see if there is a winning code or image under the scratch-off layer.

But you could use scratch-off at many ways, for example through use scratch-off at a part of an image and so making the consumer curious to what there is behind the scratch-off layer. Beside that you could in place of the standard grey scratch-off ink, also choose for a golden scratch-off or a full-colour scratch-off layer. Here you could read more about the possibilities of scratch-off.


Thermo ink

Thermo ink is an ink that react at heat. Through rubbing over the ink and so heat the ink a little bit, the image will appear. When the ink thereafter will cool down, the image will disappear and the ink will be visible again.


Wet & view ink

The effect of this ink is comparable with the effect of the thermo ink. But this ink doesn’t react at heat but at water. Through making the part with wet & view ink a little bit wet, the image behind the ink will appear.

wet en view2

Holo ink

With holo ink a patern is printed over the print. Through holding the print in the light, the holo ink will be visual. Through thereafter hold the print in different angels in the light, you could see the holo ink at different ways. You could choose from several patterns and there is also the possibility to apply the holo ink only on a part of the print.


Glow in the dark

Another way to give your promotional products something extra is to use glow in the dark ink. Hereby you could think about stars or other figures that will light up in the dark, but you could also set a message or a part of an image in glow in the dark ink, so it will really be a surprise for the consumer what they would see when they look at the print in a dark room.

Glitter polish

With glitter polish a layer with glitters is added to give the print something extra. Hereby there are many possibilities in structure and colours to let your promotional product shine or just to subtle add a little bit extra.

Gloss ink

Gloss ink is a kind of ink with which you could add a gloss to (parts of) the print. Hereby the print will get a more luxe appearance. Through adding gloss ink only at parts of the print or a part of an image, these parts will stand out extra.

Foil print

When using foil print, a foil is printed over a part of the print. Through using foil print at your promotional product, your promotional product will get a luxury or special appearance. Hereby you could think about for example silver of gold coloured foil, but also other colours are possible. Foil print can for example be used to spot out a text or logo, but you could also print foil at parts of an image to give them a little bit extra.


Touch & feel

Do you want to give your print a little bit structure? Then you could think about a touch & feel gloss. With touch & feel ink you could give your customers an extra experience at your promotional product. For example it is possible to add the structure of sand to an image of a desert.

Fluorescent ink

Through using fluorescent ink you could let stand out (parts of) your print. Because of fluorescent colours are a lot brighter than normal colours, your promotional product will stand out more between other promotional products.

The special inks called in this blog are a nice addition for your campaign or promotional products. You could for example use these special inks as addition to a stickerpack, a cardpack or many other products. Do you want to know more about the possibilities of special inks? Please contact us!

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+31 (0)184 64 77 76
Berry van Dien
Berry van Dien
Sales Manager