
The minibook is a little book with inside a short story or a fairy tale. It is possible to choose a neutral cover, what keeps it a secret which story is inside. This makes the minibook an ideal product to insert in a loyalty campaign. Hereby you could think of fairy tales or short stories, but you could also think about games. Beside that you could use the minibook as little educative books or little holiday books.

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The minibook is an ideal promotional product to insert in a campaign. Also it is possible to use a QR-code, a barcode, numberic data or a special kind of ink like a hololak. For example you could add a special kind of ink to (a part of) the minibook to let the minibook stand out extra at the target group.

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+31 (0)184 64 77 77
Erik den Ouden
Erik den Ouden
Chief Commercial Officer